Effortless payroll that keeps you productive, connected to your employees and compliant with HMRC.
Sage 50 Payroll is the easy-to-use payroll software that allows you to manage and autom
ate your employees’ payments and manage their documents. With its 4-step payroll process, you’ll get payroll done quickly, easily, and accurately.
Benefits of Sage 50 Payroll:
- Keeps up-to-date with the very latest payroll legislation, including RTI
- HMRC-approved
- Easily customise your payslips and P60’s
- Integrates with Sage 50, automatically updating your journals
- Send data securely, direct to popular Auto-Enrolment pension providers in one easy step
Sage makes your payroll simple. It automatically calculates payment alterations such as pension contributions, student loans, cycle-to-work scheme, childcare vouchers, and more.
Easily submit your payroll’s RTI via HMRC at the click of a button (with a submission success rate of 99.9%). Not only does Sage 50 Payroll come with it’s own comprehensive reports, we can also use our own in-depth reporting tools to create more. And with the ability to pay employees via e-banking either weekly, two-weekly, four-weekly, or monthly, as well as easily e-mail their payslips, your employees will love it too.
Perfect for small and medium sized businesses, Sage 50cloud Payroll enables you to do much more than just pay your people; with powerful tools and insights you can make informed decisions, automate everyday processes and engage with your workforce through Employee Online Services – confident that your employee data is secure and accessible.
Paying your team on time, accurately, getting pensions and your HMRC submissions running smoothly doesn’t have to be hard. Sage Business Cloud payroll is an intuitive, cloud-based payroll solution that helps you manage everything payroll related in just a few clicks. With a seamless integration to Sage Accounting you can also keep track of your payroll expenses.