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Sage 50

Have you been experiencing issues emailing from Sage all of a sudden?

Have you been experiencing issues emailing from Sage all of a sudden? 
We have been getting an increase in support calls related to emailing and have spotted a familiar issue. The “” issue has returned for some users running version 1708 build 8431 of Outlook. But don’t worry, the same fix from our previous blog still works!
So, if you see a “” error when emailing from Sage, don’t Panic! Just follow the below:
          First, give your PC a reboot and try emailing again
          If you still get the error, click on the appropriate link to get the fix for your version of Sage
V23.2 and above
V23.1 and below
          Close all open programs, run the fix and reboot
          This should get rid of the “ error” but, if the issue still persists, just give us a call on 01277 888210